Welcome to your resource area

Now you’ve set up your library, we want to help you make the most of this innovative new resource.

Use this resource area to discover how to personalise, share and promote the video library to your service users.

This will help make sure they use the library effectively as a tool to build their confidence, manage conditions or medications and go to your organisation for support, if needed.

Setting up your video library

You’ve already done the core set up for your video library. However, you can personalise it more by adding helpful resources, new categories and more.

Download these user guides to find out more:

Technical guide:

Setting up and using the Devon Digital Carers Library.

Download the guide!

Help guide:

How to use the library and share it with local carers.

Download the guide!

Your video library app

Did you know that when you signed up for a video library you also got an app your service users can carry around in their pocket?

Watch the video to find out more, then download the app by searching ‘Health & Care Videos’ into the Google Play Store or App Store.

Promoting your library online

Social media is a great way to encourage your users to test out the library and find out more about conditions and self-management techniques.

Watch these videos to find out more about the benefits of using social media in the health and care sector, plus some top tips on hashtagging:

Example social media posts you can use:

To help you get started promoting your library, we’ve come up with a range of Facebook and Twitter posts you can use on your feeds.

You’ll have to use your own subdomain and maybe add an image, but other than that it’s ready to go!


We have added a brand new video library to our website thanks to the @DevonDigitalCarers project.

It’s full of helpful videos that can help you understand conditions, procedures and medications that you or the person you care for might find useful.

Take a look at it here: <ADD IN SUBDOMAIN>

Have you had a look at our @DevonDigitalCarers video library yet?

It’s right here: <ADD IN SUBDOMAIN HERE>

There are over 350 videos in our @DevonDigitalCarers library.

Take a quick look and tell us which one is you think is most relevant for you!


Do you want to know a little more about a specific condition or treatment? Or are you looking for a little support?

Go to our brand new video library to find the information you need all in one place!



Look at our new @DigitalCarers video library.

It’s got 350 videos designed to help #carers like you build their confidence and get all the information they need.

<ADD IN SUBDOMAIN HERE> #DevonAgeing #carersupport

What’s your favourite video in our @DigitalCarers library?


#Carers #Supportcarers #socialcare #videos #DevonAgeing

Looking for answers about being a #carer or looking after someone at home?

Our @DigitalCarers video library might be the answer. Have a look:


#Supportcarers #DevonAgeing

Find the information you need about being a #carer all in one place: our @DigitalCarers Video library.

From falls prevention to loneliness and beyond, it covers a range of topics you might find useful.


#Community #Support

Your print resources

Having an online presence is good, but you should also be telling people about your library in person. An engaging way to do this is putting posters up in your building and in local community spaces.

Download and print these posters and flyers, then hang them up somewhere you think they’ll be noticed:

Generic poster:

You should have been sent some prints of these posters at the start of the project.

Download the file here to print some more.

Download the poster!

Generic leaflet:

You should have been sent some prints of these leaflets at the start of the project.

Download the file here to print some more.

Download the leaflet!

Personalisable poster:

If you want to put something up with a more direct link to your library, download this file and write your shortlink in the blank space.

Download the poster!

Personalisable leaflet:

If you want to put something up with a more direct link to your library, download this file and write your shortlink in the blank space.

Download the leaflet!

For other sizes and different file formats, please email [email protected]