How to upload videos to Twitter

upload videos to Twitter

It’s important for healthcare professionals to know how to upload videos to Twitter.

Estimates say that Twitter has over 330 million users worldwide and, by using Twitter and video effectively, you can reach relevant members of that audience. 

Here we’ll instruct you how to upload videos to Twitter and give you some top tips on how to ensure they reach the right people.

4 ways to use video on Twitter

Before we describe the upload process, we should first establish that there are several different ways to use video on Twitter. Here’s a quick summary of all four:

  1. Record edit and share videos directly from the app
  2. Import videos from your device to the Twitter app
  3. Upload your videos to Twitter
  4. Film live events and share it in real-time

These can all be very effective (if implemented correctly). However, we believe that uploading videos directly to Twitter is the best option.

This gives you more control of your content, is more reliable and means you can easily use the videos on other channels (e.g. Facebook, LinkedIn).

How to upload videos to Twitter

It’s very easy to upload videos to Twitter; you can do it in six simple steps.

Within those steps, you can even edit your video content to ensure the messaging and aesthetics are suitable for your brand.

Follow these steps to upload videos to Twitter:

  • Go to Twitter and click ‘Tweet’
  • Select ‘Add media’
  • Choose the video you want to use from your files and click ‘open’
  • Trim the length of the video (if you want)
  • Click ‘done’
  • Add a suitable message to accompany your video and then click ‘Tweet’ to share it with your audience

The act of uploading a video to Twitter is very easy. However, you have to work a little harder to make sure your video is effective.

Make sure your videos reach the right audience

Approximately 330 million users are on Twitter. However, not all of them will be interested in your video.

When you upload videos to Twitter, you must ensure that they get seen by a relevant segment of that audience. Luckily there are a few functions on Twitter to help you.

The first is keywords (i.e. the most important words in your post). These make it much easier for users to find your content.

Research which words are searched most often in your field and identify which keywords are the most important in your video (e.g. conditions, procedures, treatments). Then use them in the text that accompanies your videos.

Next you should use hashtags; they’re slightly different to keywords. Not only will they be found when people use Twitter’s search engine, they’ll be found when people look for tweets about specific topics.

Hashtags give your tweets more exposure (by presenting your videos to audiences following that topic). 

Then you should consider tagging Twitter influencers in your posts. These are industry figures or organisations with large followings. Pick authorities that your relevant audience will listen, as this will help them trust and pay attention to their content.

You must also be careful when choosing when to post. Timing is everything when you upload videos to Twitter.

If you send out your clip at the wrong time, your target audience won’t see it. Think about their schedules (when they come on/off shift), daily patterns and when they might be looking at their phones.

Wait until then to share your video content, otherwise, it won’t have the desired reach.

If you upload videos to Twitter, you will engage your followers and reach more of your target audience. 

For more information about using Health & Care Videos online, talk to our team today.

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